Monday, December 22, 2008

Stupid Snow Day!

I truly enjoyed the snow day on Friday, I REALLY did but, I didn't need another one today! My kids have tests to take and essays to finish and this will leave no room for some holiday fun tomorrow because they will have to get all that done before break. Also, a 2-day week is not the time to be using a snow day! I suppose I wouldn't want to be out in this weather and I don't want to risk anyone's lives but I'm just a little annoyed. This will probably come as a shock to everyone who knows that I am having a hard time at work right now but trust me, I WANT TO BE AT WORK RIGHT NOW!

Today has started out as a very boring day... There is nothing to do... I already have all the presents wrapped and under the tree(except the Santa ones), I made enough cookies yesterday to really kill my diet, it's too windy to try to play hockey outside and I have an ear ache so that isn't going to happen, there's nothing on TV, I can't drive anywhere, blah...

Kristy and Jeff might come down tomorrow for Christmas. This makes me sad... I don't ever remember a Christmas without her here. I understand though that the weather is supposed to be bad on Christmas and I don't want them risking their lives but it still makes me sad. The house is going to be so empty on Christmas if the weather is bad...

Speaking of Christmas... It was fun shopping and everyone knows I LOVE to wrap presents but now Christmas is coming way too fast. I'm like a kid at Christmas time and now I just want time to sloooooooooooooow down! But, today can go by fast, lol...

I suppose I could go through the thousands of hockey pics I have... That will be fun...

I hope everyone has a good day and if you are out in this crap DRIVE SAFE!


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

1st Post

If I ever have time to update this I will be using this blog as my personal blog...